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LinkedIn Jail and Restrictions: What You Need To Know

If you’ve been on LinkedIn for more than five minutes, you’ve probably heard of the dreaded “LinkedIn Jail.” It’s a place where your ability to engage with other members is severely restricted, and it’s a fate that no one wants to suffer. 

How can you avoid getting thrown into LinkedIn Jail? The best way is to simply follow the rules and play nice. If you do end up getting restricted, though, don’t despair, remember that Demand.Cloud is your buddy and we can help you manage your account and set up your campaigns in the safest possible manner. Here’s what you need to know.

LinkedIn Restrictions: What You Need To Know? 

LinkedIn Restrictions are a type of punishment that LinkedIn imposes on users who violate their terms of service. Typically, this includes things like spamming other members, sending too many connection requests, or posting offensive content. If you’re found guilty of any of these infractions, your account will be restricted, and you’ll be unable to engage with other members for a set period of time. In some cases, your account may even be permanently suspended.

When you log in to LinkedIn, an identical notification will show informing you that your account is restricted.

The restriction or suspension may occasionally be momentary or come with a note indicating when it will end. In more dire situations, you’ll need to get in touch with LinkedIn support.

LinkedIn Jail: What You Need To Know? 

LinkedIn Jail is a term used to define a situation in which an individual’s LinkedIn account is either permanently banned or continually subjected to review after they have been restricted multiple times.

Keep in mind that your account will not be restored if you receive feedback from LinkedIn support indicating that your account restriction is absolute due to persistent Terms of Service violations.

Will LinkedIn Notify Me If My Account Is In Jail Or Restricted? 

If you’re like most people, you probably check your LinkedIn account regularly to see who’s been viewing your profile, which articles are being shared the most, and to update your own status. But what happens if your account is suddenly restricted? 

LinkedIn will notify you if your account is in jail or restricted. A similar notification will also appear when you log in to your account. 

5 Causes of LinkedIn Account Restriction

There are two reasons why LinkedIn has these restrictions and prisons. Initially, to protect the platform. Second, make LinkedIn as natural and helpful place as you can.

LinkedIn establishes rules to demonstrate what is appropriate, what behavior is questionable, and what content is unsuitable.

What did you do wrong to break the regulations and have your LinkedIn account restricted?

Your account may be restricted or put in jail for various reasons, including excessive feature use, hacking, or publishing illegal material. The following are typically the main reasons for restriction:

1. Making An Account Under A Name That Is Not Your Own Or Is In Violation Of The User Agreement 

It is against the LinkedIn Terms and Conditions for people to create their profiles using the name of a company, another business, or another entity. If you use the platform to represent your business, you should create a company page for it.

Additionally, according to the LinkedIn User Agreement, making an account with a false name may result in immediate restriction or a ban.

2. Using the Same Device to Make Multiple Profiles

LinkedIn has a strict policy against having more than one profile on its platform. If you are found doing so, all of your accounts will be disabled and blocked from using any features available to them.

3. More Connection Requests Than Expected Each Day

If you’re constantly submitting connection requests without any control, it may be time to take a moment to reconsider your action. The number of messages and connections sent every day should not go over the limit for your account on LinkedIn as otherwise, they could restrict your access.

When it comes to how many connections you can have, the answer may depend on a number of factors. For example: whether or not your account is healthy and what kind of network presence that has for people in general with no special exemptions like celebrities/celebrity status etc., which determines who gets invited first by default when creating new groups (everyone else).

The number of invitations on LinkedIn has recently increased from 100 to 200 per week. This is great news for people who are always looking forward to and trying out new things, but the catch here comes with an algorithm that changes often enough so as not to give anyone any advantage over others just yet!

4. Adding Numerous Unknown Individuals

Make sure you always include a connection message when sending requests to 3rd-degree connections. Otherwise, your Acceptance Rate might get suspiciously low and risk restricted access on LinkedIn.

You can’t always rely on people’s goodwill to create a connection between two networks. If your number of invitees is too great, then you may have some trouble getting them connected.

How come? The problem is that some users might click “I don’t know_______,” which would immediately restrict your account. And that’s not what we want, is it?

If LinkedIn restricts your account numerous times for sending too many connections, they may then start asking for the person’s email whenever you try to connect with them in the future. Naturally, LinkedIn will now start keeping an eye on your account.

5. Too Many Profiles Were Viewed In a Short Amount Of Time

Sometimes, if you view too many LinkedIn profiles in one day or look at someone’s profile frequently it might restrict your account. This is because there are bots on the site that monitor these activities and will flag them as suspicious – this action doesn’t concern most people but be cautious!

Is It Possible To Free Myself From LinkedIn Jail Or Recover My Account From Restrictions? 

Thankfully, it is possible to get yourself out of a LinkedIn jail or recover your account if it has been restricted. Here are a few tips:

1. Don’t send too many connections in one day. This will help prevent your account from getting restricted.

2. Avoid looking at someone’s profile frequently. This will also help avoid your account getting restricted. 

3. Contact LinkedIn support if you experience problems with your account. They will be able to help you fix the issue and get your account back to normal. 

4. Follow Up If There Is Still A Issue, LinkedIn will review your case and may require more information from you before granting you access to your account again. However, if the situation is deemed not to be your fault then LinkedIn will usually reactivate your account within 24-48 hours.

5 Ways to Avoid Having Your LinkedIn Account Restricted or Jailed: 

1. Don't break the rules: Seems pretty simple, right? But you'd be surprised how many people try to bend or break the rules of LinkedIn. If you want to avoid being restricted or banned, make sure you familiarize yourself with the site's terms of use and community guidelines. And when in doubt, err on the side of caution.
2. Be a good LinkedIn citizen: Just like in real life, it pays to be polite and considerate on LinkedIn. That means not spamming people with messages or requests, not posting offensive or inflammatory content, and generally respecting the community. If you're not sure whether something is appropriate, err on the side of caution.
3. Don't be a self-promoter: We all want to promote our businesses on LinkedIn, but there's a fine line between self-promotion and spam. Make sure your profile and posts offer value to your connections and don't become a broken record constantly pitching your products or services.
4. Connect with people you know: One of LinkedIn's best features is its ability to connect you with former colleagues, classmates, and other professionals you know. But one of the quickest ways to get restricted is by trying to connect with too many people at once, especially if you don't know them. So take it slow and only reach out to people you know.
5. Limit your invitations: LinkedIn imposes limits on how many invitations you can send in a day as well as how many invitations your connections can receive from you per month. So if you're sending out a lot of invitations, there's a chance your account could get restricted. To avoid this, make sure you're only sending invitations to people you know and limiting the number of invitations you send each day.

Following these simple guidelines should help keep your LinkedIn account in good standing and prevent any problems down the road.


It’s important to stay on LinkedIn’s good side so your account doesn’t get restricted or jailed. But what if you find yourself in LinkedIn Jail? Or your account is suddenly restricted for no reason? Fear not, we have the answers.

Demand.Cloud offers a suite of tools to help you with prospecting and outreaching your leads, so you can focus on growing your business instead of worrying about LinkedIn restrictions. Don’t wait, Get a Demo Now!