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Sales Navigator: The Ultimate Tool To Boost Your Sales Results

Sales Navigator is one of the most popular and powerful tools for boosting your sales results. It can help you find and target members of LinkedIn groups who are likely to buy from you, as well as search for potential leads on the platform. 

To use Sales Navigator effectively, you need to understand how it works and what benefits it offers. This blog will give you all the information you need to start.

What is Sales Navigator? 

Sales Navigator is a tool that helps you identify and target potential customers on LinkedIn. It provides detailed information about each member of a group, including their network connections and interests. This data can help you identify which members are most likely to buy from you, as well as find new leads on the platform. 

How Does Sales Navigator Work? 

Sales Navigator used machine learning algorithms to scan groups for members who are likely to buy from you. It also includes powerful search features that allow you to find potential leads quickly and easily. 

How Can I Use Sales Navigator? 

There are a few ways you can use Sales Navigator to boost your sales results. 

  1. Use it to target potential customers on LinkedIn. Sales Navigator can help you identify which members of a group are likely to buy from you. This data can help you reach out to these members more effectively, as well as find new leads on the platform. 
  2. Use it to search for leads on LinkedIn. Sales Navigator includes powerful search features that allow you to find potential leads quickly and easily. This information can help you build relationships with potential customers and sell them your products and services faster than ever before. 
  3. Use it as a tool for lead identification and nurturing, Sales Navigator can help you identify which members of your networks are most likely to convert into customers. This data can be used to nurture these relationships and encourage them to buy from you sooner rather than later. 

The Benefits Of Using Sales Navigator

Here are three benefits of using Sales Navigator. 

  1. Targeted Leads: With Sales Navigator, you can target your ideal customer with laser precision. You can search for leads by industry, job, title, company size, location, and more. This makes it easy to find the right people to contact. 
  2. Rich Contact Information: Sales Navigator provides rich contact information for each lead, including phone numbers, email addresses, and social profiles. This gives you everything you need to reach out and make a connection. 
  3. In-depth Insights: Sales Navigator gives you insights into each lead, including their recent activity, previous interactions, and even who else in your networks knows them. This helps you craft the perfect message and increase your chances of making a sale. 

How To Target LinkedIn Group Members? 

Lead generation can be a time-consuming and laborious process, but Group filters can help you find the people who are most likely to want to do business with your company. This feature also allows you to further narrow your search, which can be useful when looking for a specific group on LinkedIn.

To start, open Sales Navigator and select “All Filters” from the options. 

The filter options are displayed in an easy-to-use dropdown menu below. 

In the top-left corner of your screen, you will find a filter for lead and account. This allows us to narrow down our search criteria by inputting specific details about who you are looking for. 

How Does The “Group Filter” Work? 

The “Group” filter in Sales Navigator works a bit differently than other filters. It searches for members of LinkedIn groups, rather than just individual users. This is useful when you want to target members of a specific group on the platform. 

For example, let’s say you’re looking to sell products to dentists. You could use the “Group” filter to find all LinkedIn groups related to dentistry, and then target those members with your marketing messages. 

If you want to establish more connections with potential customers, join the social selling group on LinkedIn. 

You can include or exclude specific prospect types using the lead filters. The majority of them support it, but not all of them have access to this option. 

Check out the example below. 

The Boolean search is another option for you to consider. It will help you to narrow down your search further. 

Don’t worry if you are not satisfied with your search result. You can always change it or make it more specific. Sales Navigator filters make this process simple and fun so that you can find the ideal market for any good or service in order to expand your business. 

Tips For Targeting Members Of Your LinkedIn Group

  1. Use LinkedIn to build relationships. When you join LinkedIn, you are automatically connected with thousands of people. If you want to increase your chances of converting a lead into a customer, it’s important to build relationships with these people. 
  2. Ask questions. One of the best ways to build relationships is to ask questions. When you ask questions, you show that you are interested in what the person has to say and you are looking for ways to connect. 
  3. Be personal. When you send a message, be personal. Don’t just send messages that are generic and don’t relate to the person. Try to think about what the person might want to hear and send a message that addresses their needs. 
  4. Make it easy for the person to say yes. Make it easy for the person to say yes to your request. If you make it easy for them, they are more likely to say yes.
  5. Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged if the person doesn’t respond right away. Keep sending messages until you reach a resolution. 

How To Use The Sales Navigator Search Feature?

Sales Navigator includes powerful search features that allow you to find potential leads quickly and easily. This information can help you build relationships with potential customers and sell them your products or services faster than ever before. 

To use this feature, open Sales Navigator and select “Search.” In the search bar at the top of your screen, type in what you’re looking for, and click “Create new search.” 

This will open up a new window where you can enter your criteria. You can choose from a variety of options, including 

  • Industry – Select an industry from the list below to get more specific results.
  • Job Title – Enter a job title or keyword to find leads associated with that topic. 
  • Company Size – Look for leads from companies of any size or type.
  • Location – Search for leads in any location on Earth. 
  • Age Range – You can target leads based on their age range, as well as their education level and work experience. 
  • Education Level – Find lends who have completed certain levels of schooling.
  • Work Experience – Search for leads who have certain types of work experience (for example, sales or management). 


Sales Navigator is a great tool to use when targeting members of LinkedIn groups. It is easy to use and provides a wide range of filters that make it easier to find the right people. Be persistent when targeting members of LinkedIn groups, and make it easy for them to say yes. 

Now that you understand how it works and uses its features, you can quickly find potential leads and build relationships with them that could lead to more sales. Demand.Cloud can help you maximize your prospecting success on LinkedIn so that you can make the most of this valuable business networking tool. 

Get a demo today to learn more about our services and how we can help you reach your sales goals!