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15 Effective Follow-Up Email After No Response Templates

A follow-up email is an important part of outbound email marketing. When a potential customer doesn’t respond to your initial email, it’s important to send another follow-up email to remind them of your offer and see if they have any interest.

There are numerous effective follow-up email templates available, but these 15 are the best. When you need to send a follow-up email to a potential customer who hasn’t responded, try one or more of these templates.

Email Sequence Tips for Follow-Up

Email follow-ups can be difficult to keep track of, especially if you have a lot of leads to manage in your inbox. What’s more, remembering how many follow-ups you have sent to each prospect and what the context and goals were can be challenging.

Many sales development representatives (SDRs) use sales engagement platforms to organize their leads and schedule follow-up emails.

By sequencing their follow-up messages, SDRs can control the order in which the messages are received. This helps to ensure that important information is not missed or misunderstood.

In the follow-up sequence, using storytelling can be an effective way to keep people engaged. By sharing interesting stories, you can keep people’s attention and make your follow-up more memorable.

In each email that follows, one value will be revealed to the pain point, and as you go, the value will grow. Every email is more significant than the one before it, so you can discuss the value in ascending order of importance.

So how many follow-up emails should you send? The truth is that it really depends on the goal of your follow-up target group and objective. Some people recommend repeating the sequence 4 times, while others recommend 8. Usually, it takes 5 to 10 touchpoints to get a response from the prospect.

What should the length and frequency of your follow-up emails be? Approximately 2 to 4 days should pass between each follow-up. You’ll probably have a lower chance of receiving a response if you wait longer than that.

Remember that your follow-up emails after receiving no response can be arranged in a sequence and include a multichannel outreach either way, whether you use platforms or carry out the manual work. Setting up your follow-ups in Demand.Cloud is as simple as counting to three and sending is handled automatically. In the event that the lead makes no response at all, allow us to demonstrate a typical, straightforward Demand.Cloud sequence to you.

When you are connected to the lead on LinkedIn, here is an example of the sequence:

This is effective because it shows your prospect that you genuinely want to connect with them and increases the likelihood that they will respond to you. The best way to set up your sequence is to include outreach methods other than email and that is social selling. 

As you can interact more with your prospects and increase the likelihood that they will see and respond to your message, LinkedIn also functions as a strong and supportive lead-generation tool in this sequence. Just be sure to get it ready for the outreach.

Effective Follow-Up Email After No Response Templates

Let’s move right on to the effective templates and real-world examples.

1. The Person Who Has Coffee 

If you didn’t get a response to your initial cold email, this template can be used as the perfect follow-up email.

This is effective because people tend to enjoy reading content that is themed and relevant to them. This increased interest and engagement can be beneficial to you as the sender. Additionally, offering a coffee or similar gesture in your outreach email can make the recipient feel more valued, and help to simulate an in-person conversation.

2. Include a Present

Consider that after your meeting with the prospect, you sent them your meeting notes via email along with the next step—trying out your product. After a few days passed, the prospect was still silent and hadn’t even tried your product. Try out the subsequent follow-up.

This is effective because an email that is brief and to the point, which the prospect doesn’t waste time reading, is always successful. You can be certain that you’ll get a lot of responses if you offer an exact value and a gift on top, which everyone enjoys receiving.

3. “I Just Saw Your Content”

Your potential customer may occasionally need a gentle reminder that you exist and that you want to establish a relationship. This form is ideal for it. Given that we discussed the multichannel approach, it would be preferable if this message were sent via LinkedIn, though email is always an option.

This is effective because you have a different line of communication. Since you essentially already saw their post on LinkedIn, it seems more natural to contact them there. Additionally, the brief message, friendly tone, and obvious CTA ensure a high response rate.

4. After A Webinar

Imagine this, you sent a cold email to a prospect who did not respond. Meanwhile, you noticed the prospect or his company hosted a webinar. You can use this opportunity to contact them and follow up on your previous email.

This is effective because this kind of follow-up email immediately demonstrates to your prospects your concern and familiarity with their or your company’s operations. Additionally, don’t be afraid to add a lighthearted element to it because it will always make your prospects’ day and increase the likelihood that they will respond.

5. “I’m Cutting You Off, For A Time Being”

Knowing when to stop contacting someone is important if you’ve already sent a few emails and none have responded. The best way to do this is to elicit an emotional response from the potential customer, as shown in the email sample below. Being sincere is crucial in this situation.

This is effective because It shows the potential customer that you have no ulterior motives for attempting to sell them more of your product. People will want to stop you if you try to leave the room because they are unconsciously offended by that.

6. Right After An Interview

If you are a recruiter and you have interviewed a large number of applicants and the most qualified interviewee has not responded to you even after you have made a job offer. This is the template for you.

This is effective because some candidates attend more than two job interviews. They may occasionally overlook the factors to consider when deciding which offer to accept. You would make it easier for your applicant to decide if you sent this follow-up email.

7. If You Have A Mutual or Common Connection 

You sent your cold email, but your prospect did not respond. Please avoid sending emails like “Hi, I’d like to check if you received the previous email that I sent to you.”

Consider yourself in the prospect’s shoes and think about what would compel you to respond to an email. You might want to bring up your common connection.

This is effective because it is a surefire way to get your prospects’ attention. When you mention one familiar face to your prospect, you have already established some sort of link, which increases your prospect’s likelihood of responding.

8. Highlight Your Client’s Reference

You sent an email to your prospect in which you highlighted the benefits of your products/services, but they did not respond. The best thing you can do is send a follow-up email outlining your client’s victory with your products/services. You could also include a case study.

This is effective because your client’s endorsement will increase the value and integrity of your products/services. It acts like a magnet. The more people who trust you, the more likely it is that others will do the same.

Furthermore, you are showing concern regarding their stumbling block, therefore they will like to know what you’ve got to say.

9. Custom-Made Strategy 

You may have gone above and beyond for a prospect but did not receive a response. I know it hurts. Don’t stop there; just when you thought you’d reached your goal, another level appears. Enhance your pitch with a tailored strategy and offer more assistance.

This is effective because everyone wants to be treated special. This strategy will make your prospect feel that you care for them. It will pique their interest, and they will be curious about what you can do for them.

10. When The Prospect Considers Your Competitor

It’s difficult when you’ve already sent your prospect the benefits of your products/services, but they’re also looking for your competitor. Worst of all, they didn’t even respond to your email. Use this template to entice them to learn more about what you have to offer.

This is effective because being transparent is essential in business. Your prospects want to know what’s on the other side of the bridge to help them weigh options and make better decisions. Don’t worry, no one needs to know you’re collaborating with a marketing team to create a comparison page. Plus, a movie line reference to pique your prospect’s interest. 😉

11. When They Check The Page 

You sent a comparison page and other similar materials, but they still did not respond. You can take this as a cue to send another follow-up email. Do you want to know how you’d know if they checked the resources you sent? One option is to UTM the link and monitors it.

A simpler solution is to use Demand.Cloud’s tool to track when your lead clicks on the desired link.

When they see the page, send them a follow-up email to show them you care. Don’t be too aggressive about it.

This is effective because knowing the right time to pique their interest increases the likelihood that your prospect will respond to you.

12. After Some Time 

A lead may have to ask you to contact them again. You may have encountered a lead who did not respond right away but is now more interested. After some time has passed, you may want to send a follow-up email. This will demonstrate to them that you value their concerns.

This is effective because it shows that you respect the prospect’s time and are willing to wait for a response. Plus, it reaffirms your relationship with the lead.

13. Show That You Are Worried

If your prospect isn’t responding to your email, it’s wise to express your feelings and demonstrate empathy for them. This does not imply that you should write a dramatic email. All you have to do is get your point across or give them cause to believe you care about them.

This is effective because who doesn’t want to know that someone understands and cares about them? It’s part of being human and the beginning of a strong relationship. This email will remind your prospect of the benefits of your products/services.

14. With Great Urgency

If you’re hoping for a prompt response from your prospect and are trying to get them to use your product sooner, you can take action by sending a follow-up email with a sense of urgency if they don’t reply.

This is effective because Researchers discovered that the urgency of email can influence decision-makers to act faster. Urgent messages can encourage the brain to make faster decisions. In other words, if you want your prospect to act quickly, such as responding to your follow-up email, use urgency.

15. Include A Video 

Send your prospect a video and see how long it goes. A prospect may not respond because they do not know who you are or your company, or because you are not at the top of their priority list.

This is effective because videos are a great way to show off your product or services. They can be engaging, which can increase the chances of someone clicking on the link. Plus, if you’re using video content to sell your product/services, it’s important to make sure your video is high quality and captures your audience’s attention. 


So you sent out your outreach emails, patiently waiting for a response. But days go by and still nothing. You might be tempted to give up at this point, but wait! Before you do anything drastic, try following up with your prospects. This is where our follow-up email templates come in handy. With these templates, you can increase your chances of getting a reply (and hopefully a sale). 

And if you’re feeling lost on how to sequence your follow-ups, don’t worry – we’ve got that covered too. By using the tips and tricks in this post, you can dramatically improve your response rate and start closing more deals. Ready to get started? Get A Demo Now!