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6 Common Errors in Email Opening Lines

Struggling to get your emails seen? Look no further! We’ve compiled the top 6 blunders people make when crafting their opening lines. With just a tiny adjustment you can ensure that all of your messages are masterfully composed and better received by those who read them. Are you ready to cultivate incredible subject lines? 

Follow us as we uncover what mistakes need correcting – so that’s one problem taken care of. 

1. Don’t use a generic opener

The goal of writing an email is to sound like a human being. A good opening line will entice the reader to continue reading.

Make sure your opener is appropriate for the recipient. If you don’t know their name, try something like “Hi there! I’m reaching out because I think you might be interested in…” or “I hope this email finds you well. Our company is looking for a new member of our team and I thought you might be the perfect candidate.”

Bottom line: When it comes to emailing strangers, a little effort goes a long way. So spend some time crafting a strong opening line to increase your chances of getting a response.

2. Don’t start with a question

It can be tempting to start an email with a question in order to get the reader’s attention, but this technique is usually unsuccessful. Instead, try starting with a statement that intrigues the reader and invites them to learn more.

Write something that makes them want to know more about your email. Something that piques their curiosity and invites them to keep reading.

3. Avoid excessive punctuation

Punctuation is one of the most undervalued elements of writing. It can make a big difference in how your email reads.

Punctuation can help to set boundaries for the reader, clarify thoughts, and signal when a sentence is finished.

On the other hand, Punctuation can be used as a weapon in writing says Syntaxis. We need to avoid aggressive punctuation or a combination of multiple consecutive exclamation points or question marks. 

4. Steer clear of humor

When it comes to email, a little humor can go a long way. There is, however, a time and a place for everything, and email isn’t always the best place for jokes.

Humor is best used in personal emails between friends or family members. It’s best to steer clear of caution when it comes to business email. This is not to say that you should never use humor in your business emails, but do so with caution. Try incorporating some self-deprecation if you want to add some humor. This can help to lighten the tone of an email while remaining professional. After all, laughter is the best medicine – even in email form!

5. Keep it brief

When writing an email, make your message as brief as possible. This will help to reduce the number of emails that must be read while also keeping the message focused.

Make it easy for the recipient to understand what you’re saying. Keep your language simple and direct. This will aid clarity for the recipient while also making the message more memorable, increasing your chances of receiving a response.

6. Check for grammar mistakes

Before you hit send on your next email, take a moment to proofread it for errors. This will help to ensure that your email is clear and easy to understand. And who knows – you might even find a typo or two that you didn’t notice before!


Now that you know what not to do, it’s time to put your email opening lines on autopilot. Let our team of experts take over and handle the tedious task of email outreach for you. We’ll make sure your emails have the best chance of being opened and responded to, so you can focus on more important things (like closing those deals). Get a demo now!