We all know that your LinkedIn profile is a crucial part of lead generation. It can make or break you! If it doesn’t give off the right first impression, then what was supposed to be an impeccable strategy for generating leads will come to crumble.
You’ll agree that it’s crucial how you conduct yourself professionally given that LinkedIn accounts for 80% of social media leads for the majority of B2B marketers.
Your LinkedIn profile is one of the first things people see about you, so make sure that it looks good. You only have about 7 seconds to create an initial impression, so make sure that all your content is high quality and relevant.
By optimizing your profile, you can increase your visibility in search results and make yourself more appealing to potential leads and clients.
Here are 15 LinkedIn profile optimization tips to make your profile more appealing to future leads and potential clients.
1. Add an eye-catching Profile Photo
When people find you on LinkedIn, the first thing they notice is your profile picture.
Your profile picture is your first chance to communicate that you are friendly, likable, and trustworthy.
Make sure to have a well-designed and eye-catching profile photo. Choose a photo that represents who you are and what you stand for. If your photo doesn’t fit within the Guidelines for Profile Photos on LinkedIn, you may want to consider replacing it with one that does.

Avoid using pictures that show you in a confrontational or aggressive pose, a picture where you have cut someone else off.
And a non-business-related image from a party if you want to make your LinkedIn profile look more professional yet approachable.
2. Add a Cover Story to Keep Up With the Times
Stay ahead of the curve by adding a cover story regularly.
LinkedIn cover stories are brief, attention-grabbing blurbs about what you’re working on and seeking. You can create one from scratch or use one of the many templates available on LinkedIn.
Make sure your cover story is relevant to your industry and career field. You want potential employers and colleagues to know that you’re up to date on industry trends and developments.
3. Add a suitable Cover on LinkedIn
According to data, individuals only retain 20% of the information they read, but they retain 80% of the information they see. So, it’s important not to undervalue your cover photo’s contribution to the aesthetics of your LinkedIn profile. When engaging with other LinkedIn users, having a logo or unique but relevant backdrop cover makes a significant impression.
Nevertheless, do not leave your cover blank or use an image that is unrelated to your field, as this may appear unprofessional. This will give users the impression that you are not very active on LinkedIn, that you don’t care about your online resume, or that you don’t know how to optimize your profile.
4. Convince them with your Headline
The tone of your profile is set by the headline.
Make your headline catchy and attention-grabbing, while remaining accurate and professional.
Consider including keywords in your headline to ensure that it appears high on Google when people look for information about your profession or industry.
Consider the following when deciding what to write:
- The advantages that people gain from working with you
- The value you add to their businesses
- The specific niche of your expertise
- Keywords that other users are likely to search for
5. Write a Compelling Summary on LinkedIn
Your summary is the ” elevator pitch ” of your professional profile on LinkedIn. It’s a few sentences that summarize who you are and what you can offer, in as much detail as possible.
It provides an overview of your experience, education, skills, and interests.
It is effective to use keywords, highlight your greatest accomplishments, highlight your goals and ambitions, and include your guiding principles.
Make sure to emphasize the key reasons to get the attention of your future leads, customers, or recruiters.
Check out “How To Create A Standout LinkedIn Summary To Boost Your Sales Prospecting” to learn more about what makes a standout summary.
6. Widen your Network on LinkedIn
In order to expand your network, you need to import your contact list. LinkedIn will allow you to upload your address book contacts once you’ve created your profile.
Consider finding people in your industry, with the same level of experience, or who are leaders in their field. Join and participate in groups and forums related to your industry or topic. Make an effort to add value to the conversations by sharing your insights and experiences.
7. Show them what you’ve got through your Skills
People with five or more skills on their LinkedIn profile are contacted up to 33 times more frequently by recruiters and other LinkedIn members than people who have only one skill.
Skills and endorsements are two important sections of your profile. They can help employers see what you’re good at and how you’ve been successful in the past.
To list your skills on LinkedIn, you first need to identify which ones you truly possess. After that, look for profiles with the same or similar job titles in your industry and see which skills those users have listed. Once you’ve determined which skills apply to you and to what extent, go ahead and list them.
However, there is one caveat: once a skill has been deleted from a profile on LinkedIn it can’t be restored. So make sure that the skills you choose are important enough for connections to find out about!
8. Gain Endorsement by Endorsing Others
Endorsing someone on LinkedIn can help them build credibility and popularity in the professional sphere. By showing your support for your first-degree connections, you will make them more eager to endorse you themselves.
There is some speculation that endorsements may have an impact on the algorithm, with people being more likely to see your profile if you have a lot of them. This has not been confirmed, but even if it was false, having a lot of endorsements would still be beneficial.
9. Get Recommended
If you want to make a strong impression with your LinkedIn profile, asking for recommendations from people you know can help.
You can ask for a recommendation from those with whom you have worked closely or who are connected to your professional network.
Remember that if you think someone would be willing to lend a hand, go ahead and ask.
10. Specify keywords relevant to your industry
Before starting your online brand, you should consider the keywords that are most often searched for by potential clients, co-workers, and recruiters.
Make sure to use the top keywords for your industry when filling out your LinkedIn profile. This will help you target potential employers and partners.
After you’ve compiled your list, use it wisely throughout your profile.
11. Provide a Brief Summary of Your Professional Experience
Your LinkedIn profile should contain information that is relevant to your current or future profession. Describe your duties and accomplishments using keywords related to the industry in which you work, while holding any positions you have held.
By doing this, you can provide other LinkedIn users a meaningful glimpse into your work background without overwhelming them. Additionally, they’ll be more inclined to read your complete profile page. Seeing a lot of pointless and confusing information may simply make them decline.
12. Complete your LinkedIn Profile
If you have not completed your profile on LinkedIn, the site will help you with the steps necessary to do so.
To help you further improve your profile, LinkedIn has measured the strength of your profile and offered recommendations on what to add.
LinkedIn wants you to use its platform to build relationships and expand your professional network. By completing your profile, LinkedIn will reward you with increased visibility in search results.
13. Get a Customized URL
Create a custom URL for your account that will help you better identify yourself on LinkedIn, and make it easier for people to connect with you.
To do this, sign in to your LinkedIn account, click on the “Profile” tab, and under “Settings” select “URLs.” Enter your custom URL and click “Save Changes.”
14. Show Off in Your Featured Section
If you have written or appeared in any quality media, including articles and blogs, feel free to list them here. This will help to promote your professional reputation.
This is an excellent place to highlight your work. You can include links to any articles, blog posts, or other media that you have worked on in the past. This will help build your professional credibility.
15. Share What Drives You on LinkedIn
Interests on LinkedIn can help you build relationships with potential business partners. By listing interests that are or are not necessarily career-related, you’ll make yourself more approachable and other users may be more likely to do business with you. This can give them a good idea of who you are and what you like, It can also help people find your profile if they are looking for someone with similar interests.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool for sales professionals and business owners of all types. By following these tips, you can make your LinkedIn profile sell for you and increase your chances of landing more clients. But don’t take our word for it – try out these tips yourself and see the difference they make.
And if you need help optimizing your LinkedIn profile, our team at Demand.Cloud is here to help. We use the latest tools and techniques to get your profile seen by the right people. Get a Demo today.