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How To Master LinkedIn Prospecting: 19 Best Practices To Increase Your Leads

LinkedIn prospecting is a tricky and time-consuming process. You have to identify potential customers by searching for people who might be interested in what you offer, then build relationships with them until they’re ready to buy from your company– but all these obstacles can make it seem impossible!

With so many businesses competing on social media platforms like LinkedIn today (and every day), finding leads handpicked just as carefully would not only help get new business coming into our pipeline faster; It’ll also give us an edge over other companies vying for their attention.

Fortunately, there are a few best practices you can follow to increase your chances of success when prospecting through LinkedIn. In this blog, you’ll find 19 tips that will help you master LinkedIn prospecting.

1. “People Also Viewed” Feature 

This is an excellent way to see who is influential and connected within your target market. By studying these profiles, you can learn about their preferences and find connections that you might not have otherwise discovered.

By appearing at the top of this list, you are sure to get more views and clicks. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of this feature:

  • Use keywords in your profile that prospects are likely to search for.
  • Connect with as many people as possible in your target market.
  • Join relevant LinkedIn groups and participate in discussions.
  • Post regular updates on your company news and industry trends.
  • Provide helpful resources and information in your updates.

2. “People You May Know” Feature 

LinkedIn’s “People You May Know” feature can be a great way to quickly find new potential leads for your business. However, there are a few best practices you should follow to get the most out of this feature.

First, make sure you have a complete and up-to-date profile. The more information you include, the better results you’ll get.

Second, don’t be afraid to reach out to potential leads outside of your immediate network. LinkedIn’s search function allows you to filter by location, industry, and other criteria, so you can find exactly the right people to connect with.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up after making a connection. A quick message or email will help you build a relationship with your new contact and turn them into valuable customers or clients.

3. Keep Up With Job Changes On Your Feed

It’s crucial to be informed about job changes if you want to grow your network and establish new connections with prospective clients or customers. By automating your job search, LinkedIn provides a fantastic method for accomplishing this.  Simply follow the links to LinkedIn’s job search pages for your industry and company size, and you’ll be kept up to date with all the latest openings.

4. Alert for “New Job Position” Notifications

LinkedIn also offers a great way to stay up to date on new job openings.

Here’s what you need to know about these alerts, and how to make the most of them.

These alerts are simply messages from LinkedIn, and they are not personal recommendations from the platform or from your network of contacts.

That said, these alerts can still be useful. They can help you keep tabs on new job openings in your industry, and they can also help you expand your network. If you see an alert for a job that interests you, reach out to the poster and introduce yourself. You never know where it might lead!

5. Targeted Job Opportunities

If you want to target a certain type of job, use the Advanced Jobs Search feature. This tool lets you filter your job search by industry, company size, technology area, and more.

The LinkedIn prospecting hack advises looking for job openings there, making a list of businesses that have openings, and then contacting decision-makers there. Compared to the earlier hack, which calls for putting up an alert and waiting for results, this method is quicker.

6. Target the Network of Your Competitor

LinkedIn lets you see the networks of people who are similar to you.

Look for people who work in the same industry as you, have the same level of experience, or hold similar positions. When you find someone you want to reach out to, use their profile and contact information as a starting point.

7. Contact People Who Supported Your Competitor Or Buyer Persona in the Past

LinkedIn is a great place to find contacts who support your buyer persona or industry. Contact these individuals and see if they would be interested in hearing about your new product or service.

To increase the chances of success when reaching out to potential customers, consider targeting individuals who have already shown an interest in your product or service. Additionally, reach out to those who are not yet aware of your company or product but may be interested in learning more if you introduce yourself and provide a compelling reason for them to do so.

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for finding potential job candidates and customers. By targeting specific job titles or companies, you can increase your chances of success. Additionally, connect with people who have expressed interest in your product or company but haven’t yet made a purchase.

8. Leads Who Have Written or Received Recommendations as a Target

LinkedIn is a great way to find leads who have written or received recommendations. Simply search for individuals who have mentioned your product or company in their profile bio, company page, or other public posts. You can also explore reaching out to those individuals directly if you think they may be interested in hearing more about what you have to offer.

Recommendations can be powerful when targeting leads. Not only are they an endorsement of your product or service, but they may also increase the chances that a prospect will consider your offer and it can be extremely beneficial for your sales prospecting to browse through the profile of your target lead and see whether other LinkedIn users have written or received recommendations.

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9. Members You Should Target Who Left Comments Or Reacted To Your Buyer Persona’s LinkedIn Post

When you’re creating your buyer persona, be sure to include a comment or respond to one of your target member’s LinkedIn posts. This will help you understand their interests and make it easier for you to connect with them. If you leave a comment, be sure to include your LinkedIn profile URL so that the target member can find more information about you and potentially refer others to your business.

10. Contact Those Who Left Comments Or Reacted To Your Post

Contacting those who left comments or reacted to your buyer persona’s LinkedIn post is a great way to get more information about them and see if there’s a connection between you and your target lead. You can also use this information to personalize your outreach message.

11. Get the Most Out of a Boolean Search 

When you’re looking for leads on LinkedIn, using a Boolean search can help you find people who are actively working in your industry or company, as well as people who have mentioned you or your company in their posts.

12. Attendees of LinkedIn Events  Are a Good Source of Leads 

If you’re looking for leads who are actively working in your industry or company, attending events can be a great way to connect with them. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn more about their businesses, but you’ll also be in a better position to make connections with potential clients.

13. View the followers on the LinkedIn page for your business 

People who follow your company profile on LinkedIn but haven’t used your product or service are the ideal audience to target.

Numerous factors may lead someone to follow your business, including their interest in learning more, their desire to stay informed in case you release a product they need, their affiliation with related or nearby industries, and their desire to learn more about you as they consider options for their company, etc.

Approaching them is the only way to learn more.

14. “Viewed Your Profile” Feature  Can Help You Find New Leads

LinkedIn’s “Viewed Your Profile” feature can help you identify people who may be interested in your products or services. By clicking on the “Viewed Your Profile” link on the right-hand side of any LinkedIn user’s profile, you can see which of your content they have clicked on and read, as well as which groups they belong to.

15. Target the members of LinkedIn groups by joining them 

Joining relevant LinkedIn groups can give you the opportunity to reach your target audience more easily. By joining a group related to your industry, for example, you’ll be in touch with other members who are keen on learning about and discussing the topic at hand.

16. Utilize InMails And Strike Up Open Profiles 

In addition to the messages you send out in LinkedIn groups, you can also reach out to prospects by sending InMails. This type of solicitation is perfect for reaching out to individuals who have not yet shown an interest in your products or services.

To generate leads on LinkedIn, create an Open Profile and share articles, case studies, white papers, or anything else that will pique someone’s curiosity about what you do. You can also gather contact information by using LinkedIn’s “Add a Contact” feature and then sending a follow-up email.

17. Verify Their Contact Information 

Before you send out your messages, make sure that you have the correct contact information for your potential leads. Take advantage of LinkedIn’s “Verify Your Contact Info” feature to ensure that the information you have is accurate and up-to-date.

18. Utilize Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is a powerful LinkedIn tool that allows you to track leads, follow up with them, and even send automated messages. It’s a great way to keep track of your progress and ensure that you’re reaching out to the right people.  Plus, it’s free to use!

19. Utilize the Bell Feature

LinkedIn’s “Bell” feature allows you to send a quick message to your leads without opening a new dialog. This is a great way to keep them engaged and remind them about your product or service.


Prospecting through LinkedIn can be a daunting task. However, following these simple tips will help you master the process and increase your chances of success.

That concludes our look at how to conquer LinkedIn prospecting. We hope you feel prepared to use this strong social media platform to increase your leads. 

If you need assistance putting these recommendations into action or need advice on developing an effective LinkedIn strategy for your business, please contact Demand.Cloud. We offer B2B sales outreach services to assist you to elevate your lead-generating efforts. Get a demo now!